Monday 27 January 2020

Lost in the dark

Don't ask me why, but sitting in this plane made me think of a memory in the Kruger Park way back when we were regular Bush holiday-goers. 

This particular night started very undramatically: the weather was fine, no animals were running rampant and the braai was going. Dis mos lekker om die bos te braai ;)

My brothers and I went to the campsite shop to buy ice in the evening, and Kelton and I got caught up looking at all the toys and teddies (I'm a bit obsessed with teddies, it's a problem. Like seriously, is there some Teddybear Addict Anonymous group or something? ).

Eddy told Kelton and me we had to leave (he said he gave us several warnings, but I'm pretty sure he only said it once *insert eyeroll*). Kelton and I were enjoying the toys a bit too much, so what does Eddy do?
Yup, he leaves WITHOUT US. Typical big brother.

Kelton and I tried to find our way back to our hut on our own, but in the dark it was difficult to determine which path was the right one. And in comes the 7de Laan moment: Kelton started crying (he was probably about 6 or 7), so obviously I started panicking and crying, too. Look, I'm not proud to admit that but let's just pretend I was also only 6 or 7... (flip I was too young to even blame PMS!)

I bet the suspense is killing you. What happened next? Were we found? Did we get eaten by lions? Was I rescued by that Prince from the Barbie movies on his white horse with his flowing blonde hair? 

Nothing so exciting.  Eddy did, however, eventually come to find us and we got home safely. Turns out we were on the right road all along, but we turned around just-just before our hut because we didn't have the courage to go further down the road.

Life is a lot like this. So often we get distracted by things, things that aren't actually beneficial in the long run. We shift focus from God and end up wandering in the dark.
Having to deal with loadshedding taught me a lot about surviving in the dark, but despite the skills I picked up, I have to admit it's much easier living when there's light. The dark is scary and overwhelming, we don't know what is hiding around the corner and it's difficult to see which is the right road to take. In fact, sometimes we end up feeling so overwhelmed that we miss the destination anyway; sometimes by just a few metres.

John 1 talks about Jesus as the light of men, and that light is life. When we have Jesus, it brings a different perspective to life. It's almost as if it suddenly makes sense - there's a feeling of significance and purpose that makes life worth living.
In so many verses God promises that He goes with us. He will never leave us to fend for ourselves or feel helpless. 
Isaiah 41:13 says that God holds our right hand and tells us not to fear because He will help us. Holding a hand is so personal, so intimate. We have the free will to decide the path to take and when we will turn back, but God continually places road signs and hints in place.

I saw the sign that night with my hut number, but because I was scared, I didn't trust that the sign pointed all the way down the right road. But thankfully, just like Eddy that night, God is faithful and knows we make mistakes so when we venture off path or feel a bit lost, He will always come back to find us.

Think of the story of the lost sheep. Although the shepherd still had the 99 other sheep, He still went after the 1 that got lost. That kind of love is INSANE.
So be encouraged. If you feel a bit lost or insignificant, never doubt your purpose. When Jesus gives life, He gives it in abundance. It's just a choice you need to make if you'll choose that life or not ❤️

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