Sunday 29 July 2018

Feelin' Myself

I’m going to be completely honest here: as much as I’d like people to think I’m Superwoman- I’m really not. I make mistakes,  I say silly things, I’m not always as productive as I should be… but I’m only human and that’s okay, right?

I don’t like to admit this, but I’ve been a bit down the past month or so, and for those who know me, you’ll know I hate feeling sad and I honestly try my best to be positive and look for the silver lining in everything. But being overdramatic me, I got negative after getting my Accounting mark back and then let that negativity loose everywhere.

I started feeling like a failure, and then started noticing how I was messing up at everything else. I mean come on, I can’t even walk without hitting something, or make a semi-decent meal without setting something on fire. I used to think these were all cute little quirks that made me, me, but by feeding that one negative thought, I started a little negativity army.
The worst part? I started becoming so scared in any relationships with family or friends, that I’d mess that up; or I’d be so scared giving advice in case I made a situation worse (and you can ask my friends, I can be a pretty good Dr Phil when I want to be).

But then tonight I came to such an amazing realisation at church: Jesus is Lord over my life, which means He is in control and even when I mess up and make mistakes, it doesn’t mean that that’s the end of the world (you know, unless I accidentally release some sort of zombie virus).

I am not a failure and just because I laugh too loudly in quiet restaurants, or look at memes during lectures, doesn’t mean that I am any less amazing than God intended me to be; and that applies to you, too.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
You are a MASTERPIECE. That literally means that you are outstanding, that it took insane skill to make you.
Stop listening to other people or the media, you are so exceptionally awesome just as you are. Stop feeding your negative thoughts and feed the positive ones instead: trust me, it feels way better to nice to yourself and to actually like who you are.

I heard a sermon about how God took 7 days to make the world but 9 months to make you: that literally means you are more intricate and way more effort was put into you (this sounds a bit mean about the world but I hope my message comes through).

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

When you turn to God, your past no longer define you: your mistakes don’t make you. It’s okay to mess up, it’s okay to not always get 100% but it is not okay think badly about yourself when, at the end of the day, you were fearfully and wonderfully made!!!

Just some cool tips to be a bit more self-positive:

·       * Cut out negative talk- concentrate on your strengths, work on your weaknesses but don’t      focus too heavily on them.
·        * Constantly try to find something good in every situation- literally once I waited like 8 hours    at home affairs but there was such a hot guy a few people ahead of me and my eyes were    super grateful to be graced with that sight (haha)
·       * Speak positively about others
·       * Surround yourself with uplifting people

You are amazing! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and remember that if Trump can be so confident with his hairstyle, then you can also be confident with your insecurities ;)