Tuesday 7 July 2015

To want or not to want, that is the question

You know those times in life when you really want something? And I mean you really, really want it, but you know it may not necessarily be beneficial to have. For example, you may be saving for something important, but then you see that limited edition, designer pair of shoes in the window and you just really want it. Are those shoes really worth you having to re-save all that money?

Besides just not being beneficial, the thing you may want may be sinful. For example, ladies, wanting to murder your husbands for leaving the toilet seat up again isn’t exactly what I would call ‘obeying God’s Word’.

Ok, that’s all great, but just because something is sinful or non-beneficial doesn’t make it any easier to not want. Trust, I’ve been in this situation many, many times. Especially with the whole sinful part. Sometimes it just seems easier to throw God aside for a bit so you can give in to your worldly desires, I am not at all proud to admit this (but we’re all human here), but I’ve even had some moments where I wished for a second or two that I had become a Christian later in life, after I had gotten that thing I wanted. Horrible, I know. I probably deserve to be hosed down with holy water or thrown into the lion’s den or something.

I actually remember once, again I’m not exactly proud to admit this, but I really wanted to go to this party and I wasn’t allowed to, but I tried to come up with a plan to sneak out anyway except I kept feeling so darn bad. In that moment, my Christianity was very annoying. I mean I’m a teenager, we’re supposed to be rebellious and go to raucous parties where we remember absolutely nothing the next day.

But wait a minute… Is that really what growing up is about? Is that what life is about- making mistakes with life-long consequences just so you can have a bit of “fun” and make “memories”?
Well if that’s all we think life is about, I think we have completely missed the point.

Matthew 28:19 says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Isn’t that what we’re called to do? As Christians, we are called to glorify God and then go and tell other people about Him.
Ok yes, this may not always be the easiest, but it is definitely the most rewarding. Think about it this way; if you go and tell someone at a party about Jesus and help them give their life to God, not only will you feel way more fulfilled than if you had had six tons of beer to drink instead, but you’ll also remember it the next morning!

Now this isn’t easy, trust me, I know. People can be very resistant to hearing about God, but that is exactly why God reminds us over and over again to be “strong and courageous” (like in Joshua 1:9 and Deuteronomy 31:6 for example). Being a Christian is not for sussies. It takes hard work and sacrifice, but often the hardest things in life turn out to be the most rewarding.

Then with the whole wanting thing, remember Galatians 5:17 says, “For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.”
Now that is insane. So if you’re feeling a bit guilty about what you’re wanting, it may be God trying to steer you away from that or protect you from it. Plus, if you know something isn’t right, then walk away, because by desiring that thing, you are acting contrary to, or against God. Just by the way, God controls lightning and I’m sure He has pretty decent aim, so I don’t think any sane person would want to act against Him!

To add to that, remember that in that Galatians verse where it says “so that you do not do what you want”, God isn’t being mean and nasty and trying to be a dictator or something, instead He is protecting you. Think about it, if you want to go sleep around every weekend and you end up pregnant or the girl ends up pregnant, that is a life-long consequence. Also, just emotionally, besides the pregnant part, it could harm you. Hollywood makes it seem as if being a player is just the best thing ever, but in reality, those are often the people who are the loneliest or most unsatisfied. I’m not being judgmental or anything, I’m just stating it how I see it. That was one example, but it’s just to show what God is protecting you from. Also with the drinking, if you get super drunk and do something you regret, it’s not a lekker feeling, and so God, being the caring Father that He is, wants to protect you from that. So I hope you get the idea, God isn’t being restrictive, He’s being protective, and ultimately, showing His great love for you.

But here’s the thing, it isn’t easy to ‘unwant’ a ‘want’, but Galatians 5:16 says, “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” So basically, by obeying God and following Him, it’ll help you to overcome those sinful wants and lead a godly life instead.

Next time you find yourself desiring something you know you shouldn’t be, or something that will only lead to trouble, send up a prayer and ask God to lead you through the situation. Then be strong and courageous, show that want who’s boss, and walk away from it.

James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” If you say no to something often enough, eventually you won’t want it anymore or it won’t want you anymore. Plus, think about it, if Jesus could survive forty days in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11) resisting temptation when He hadn’t had any food, was completely isolated from people and didn’t even have a TV to pass the time, then can’t you survive saying no to sinful wants of your own?

So let’s be strong, put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and remember Joshua 1:9:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."